Our State of the Art Recovery Methods

Our previous blog was on recovery tools for the home to prevent injury. Here are the recovery tools we offer at ChiroSport to help prevent injury.

Whole Body Cryotherapy

  • Become popular in the last couple years
  • Reducing inflammation and soreness
  • Good for acute, chronic injuries and for prevention of injuries
  • Raises metabolism for hours afterward, so it can potentially burn extra calories

NormaTec Recovery Boots

  • Compression therapy helps reduce soreness after working out
  • Think of it as a flush or reboot for your legs
  • Ideal after running, cycling or leg day
  • Used for prevention of lower body injuries and reducing soreness while training


  • Ice compression helps to reduce local inflammation
  • Can be used on pretty much every body part or injury
  • Shoulder, elbow, wrist/hand
  • Mid or lower back
  • Hip, knee, and ankle