
How Improving Golf Fitness, Improves Everyday Fitness
During the winter months, is the perfect time to work on your body to get it ready for the 2018 golf season. The PGA Tour offseason is only about 6 weeks, so the guys have limited time to get their...
Tips and Tricks for Workout Recovery
Recovery is crucial to prevent injury and soreness while you are working out. This blog will outline our favorite recovery tools you can do on your own to help. Hydration The rule of thumb is to drink half body weight...
Our State of the Art Recovery Methods
Our previous blog was on recovery tools for the home to prevent injury. Here are the recovery tools we offer at ChiroSport to help prevent injury. Whole Body Cryotherapy Become popular in the last couple years Reducing inflammation and soreness...
The Secret Weapon of The World's Best Golfers...It's Their Chiropractor
 Last week the golf world was shocked when Tiger Woods once again hoisted the Tour Championship title on Sunday afternoon. Everyone that is, except the one person who has been quietly working behind the scenes with Tiger… Dr. Troy...